Class VI and VII
Dams: Bane or boon
Taking an example explain why dams are built. Their uses and its after affects. Example of Tehri dam, which came under a lot of debate is a classical example. What kind of energy is produced and how through dams? Uses of that energy. Also explain how the dams are built.
Is Globalization becoming a threat to the Whales and other Aquatic creatures
Building underwater pipelines and tunnels and laying fiber optics etc across oceans, etc. what affect are these activities having on marine life. and especially the whales.
Are fingerprints hereditary? How are finger prints made. Why ar ether unique? Do they ever change on a person? Are toe nails related to finger prints. are they same? Do siblings have similar prints? Do twins have similar prints? What is the way to take correct fingerprints? Which agency has the largest number of prints on record?
Take fingerprints of the family and compare.
Build a report on your findings.
Colours & Sounds
Create a project of collecting the data for colors and sounds and how they affect the mood of a human. Different colors generate different feeling. Research on that and make a report. Also find out if the geographical location of a person makes a difference in behavior. Do the same for sounds and how they affect us. Natural sounds, created sounds, their difference etc.
Chemical Reactions in Daily life.
Our life is full of reactions, these reactions happen inside of us as well as outside.
Find out what all around us is a chemical reaction. (e.g. curd formation is a chemical reaction) Build a project on one of the chemical reaction that you see around yourself.
Science of Lightning
Research on the natural phenomena of lightning. What is it? How is it formed? and what it contains. Can there be a way to predict them, to use them?
Craters and Meteorites
What are craters and meteorites, what is there chemical composition. How are they formed? Find out how many craters have hit the earth\'s surface and how many have missed earth. Did any crater/meteorite impact the moon? find out more. Did they teach us anything? There causes and affects if any.
Gravitational Forces of the Solar System
Explain the equilibrium of the solar system. How are the planets revolving around the sun. Explain their gravitational forces and the balance. Find out what would happen if there is any kind of misalignment or the gravitational force of sun becomes zero. Build a project that explains this equilibrium of gravitational forces.
Solar Energy
The effective use of Solar energy in India and how it can be enhanced most productively. Example of Kochi airport and how Solar energy has been used there. How are solar farms being used? is Solar energy the alternate for safe economical fuel?
Make a solar powered machine to demonstrate the concept.
Being Powerful using Mechanics
Use of pulleys, gears etc to make the requirement of physical force a minimal.
Explain how these can be used. Make a project using mechanics to demonstrate this.
Class VIII and IX
Salination of Water Bodies
What is happening in Sunderban? What impact will it happen on the ecology?
Fertilizers and Pesticides
Uses, how much, the effect they have on soil and water.
Natural fertilizers, its importance. What to use.
Migratory birds to India.
The change in their patter in the last 15 years. Why and how?
The future of migration.
Chemical composition of air.
The difference of air in terms of chemical composition in the city vs in a remote village.
Why is the sky appear more blue when we go to a hill station?
Understanding pressure through Airplanes
Explain the design of an airplane. How does pressure play a role in its liftoff.
Can you design a better airplane?
Virtualization of the world.
Overuse of technology and its affect on the life of today. How is technology being overused? How can we control overuse? Does it harm us in any way?
Northern Lights & Magnetism
What are Celestial Lights?
Explain the phenomena of Northern lights. locations from where they are visible. What is the magnetic domain theory.
What would happen if we switched the poles?
If the north pole became the south pole and visa versa. What would be the affect?
What direction does a magenta point when suspended at the poles?
How does a compass behave at the poles?
Can you create electricity by cycling?
Research and pen your findings.
Give examples of alternate methods for producing electricity.
What are Tectonic plates? How are earthquakes caused?
Create a model to show the plates and how the earthquakes are caused.
Which areas are the most prone to earthquakes in India. Why is Delhi experiencing a rise in earthquakes in the last 5 years.
Cricket and physics
How is physics important in Cricket?
Find out how physics can help cricketers. How has physics helped in the evolution of cricket equipment.
Class X and XI
Soil Research
Types of soil
Soil Erosion
Causes and Effects
Create a Future City
Using the idea of renewable energy and recycled materials, create a future city. and what will it feel like living in such a city.
Bio Fules
What are Bio Fuels? What are the chemical composition of bio rules? How are they produced? Give their uses and advantages over traditional fuel.
What is the history of sound? What kind of sounds does nature produce? Explain the physics behind sound, the frequency and what we hear? Are we able to hear all sounds? Create a musical instruments with natural materials.
What kind of waves are we exposed to on a daily basis, define all types and their effects on us. Is there an alternate? Are we using too much technology? Does those waves (raido, infra, wifi, etc) have any impact on animals, plants and the air?
Life on Mars
Create a scenario of what would be required to live on Mars. How would one survive on Mars. The constraints etc.
Using the galaxy as an example, create a motor with magnets that runs continuously. The solar system is in perfect harmony as all planets rove love without ever needing an external power source. Magnets and gravitational forces align them. Understand the concept and built a motor to illustrate.
Light and data
How does data travel on light. How does the data travel millions of miles so quickly. research and explain. also give alternates if any to sending data. Does sending data like this affect us in any way. any kind of life on earth.